Google Plus Alternatives that You Must Check Out

Google Plus shutting down

We all were expecting the shutdown of the Google Plus platform but now that it has finally happened, users can’t help but mourn its shutting down. However, many people were also looking for some viable alternatives for G+ which had its own drawbacks. Getting your hands on a Google Plus alternative isn’t that big a task. The market has been flocking with promising and more reliable platforms since the last few years and you can always opt for one of these while switching your social media. Google Plus anyway didn’t make great contribution to the Internet world. It was primarily used for boosting traffic and conversion because of the SEO benefits offered by it. However, here are some amazing replacements of Google Plus which are way more efficient and user-friendly than the former:

These were top 5 recommendations which serve as amazing Google Plus alternatives. Try these out for yourselves and you’d not even miss your Google Plus anymore.

1. MeWe

MeWe is a privacy-focused network which has no data mining, no user tracking as well as no annoying advertisements. It comes with three kinds of group: Open, Selective (approval required for joining) and Private (needs invitation). All the groups have their respective chats that support voice calls and videos. It also has its very own versions of the usual G+ features like Collections and Circles. You can also follow hashtags on MeWe is a Google Plus Alternatives.

It is quiet similar to Google Plus’ integration with Google Photos and Google Drive as the users get a free cloud space of 8GN which can be upgraded to 50GB by a certain amount of monthly payment.


Top 8 Google+ alternatives you must check out | Candid.Technology

1In terms of the visuals, Minds is probably the most similar to G+ here. Minds display posts in three columns that have content from the groups and people you follow. Just like Reddit, the site has an ‘Upvote’ as well as ‘Downvote’ button.

Unlike G+, Minds uses blockchain and Mind Tokens are paid to the users who create popular content. It is an Ethereum-based token that can be traded for P2P content subscriptions, buying ad space and for rewards.


Top 8 Google+ alternatives you must check out | Candid.Technology

1Google Plus Alternatives, Mastodon is pretty different from your usual social domains as it is decentralized. Server nodes can be hosted by anyone in the network and there is very less regulation. Terms of Service and moderation policies can be set up by the servers as per their own terms. It is a seducing replacement for all those G+ users wanting to break free from their corporate master.

The network looks quite similar to Twitter, especially the main interface which suspiciously looks a lot like Tweet Deck. Mastodon is a great micro blogging approach for those communities that spend a huge chunk of their time in chatting and not posting links or content.

4. Diaspora

Top 8 Google+ alternatives you must check out | Candid.Technology

Just like Mastodon, Diaspora is also a Google Plus Alternatives, decentralized network which similar features as that of G+. Its Aspects tool looks like the Google+ Circles just got a makeover and it lets the user organized the people in categories. After creating your content, you can share it with your aspects.

Just like Google+, Diaspora too doesn’t have any real name policy. It shares both reshares as well as @mentions. Diaspora also lets you navigate through content with the help of hashtags and many G+ users have already resorted to this network and it has 650,000 users as of now.

5. BuddyPress

Top 8 Google+ alternatives you must check out | Candid.Technology

When it comes to BuddyPress, you cannot just sign up and start cracking. It is actually a WordPress plugin which offers a way for communities and groups for creating their very own private social networks. It is great for colleagues, sport teams, gamers and all those who like sharing and discussing about their hobbies for developing one’s passion is a Google Plus Alternatives.

Different settings for content privacy, customizable profile fields, and the options for creating smaller micro-groups in a single BuddyPress install are few of the best features of BuddyPress. It also has a private messaging features and countless third-party plugin for adding new features.


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